Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Smile

Expressions and emotions reflects how i feel,
sometimes i am silent and sometimes i smile
thats how i have travelled several miles...

I smile, when i am happy....
I smile even if i feel like crying on top of my voice..
so that all the things should fall at its place.

When someone is saddened by sorrow for miles
the way becomes easier by giving them sweet smiles..
When life brings nothing but tears
and from everywhere nuisance has come...
Remain calm and preserve your smile
And You will discern that all your drags has overcome.

I feel ecstatic when i see others smile,
even if i'am wretched and lonely...
a smile can transmute my grief into a jolly.

Smile has a beautiful way from eyes, it reaches to your lips...
No matter how strongly life take flips.
It comes straight from your heart....
and shines like a beacon
and with a smile every woe has fissured apart.

I experienced, a smile can brightened my darkest day...
and it has took my agony away.
My smile turns me upside down...
in which i could forever drown.
Smile make me cope with horrible fights..
that had lasted from several nights.

Smile with no reason..
Irrespective of any season.
To smile for a smile..
Stay Happy in every other while.
I guess life is like that...
You dont need a reason to smile
For a smile a reason itself.

I smile for the sake of life..
I smile because there are still hopes left in life.
I smile for my Mom & Dad.
I smile for My friends.
I smile coz i am alive.
I smile for my love..
I will always smile so the world can be a peaceful dove...